Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Customizing Workouts--Novice, Expert, or Neither!

Good afternoon! I hope the first humid half of your week has been spectacular! After talking to my mom over the weekend (always a good idea), I realized the missing factor to writing workouts for this blog- adaptability! Most people are at all different levels of fitness and working out, and some exercises may be a cinch for some and truly impossible for others. Hence, I've decided to give some adaptable options for most general exercises! This way, whether you are doing a workout from me, your fave health magazine, or one you saw someone else doing at the gym, you can successfully complete it without either A) feeling like you could do those bicep curls in your sleep or B) wear the same shirt you wore to bed because you are unable to lift your arms above your head (don't be ashamed, we've all done it ;) ). I'll also give you some links to pictures of a few of them that are hard to describe in words. Read on, my fellow fitness pursuers.

easier- Have your body at an incline, with your feet on the ground and your hands on a table, chair, or even some stairs. Example.
harder-have your body at a decline, with your hands on the ground and your feet elevated on a chair or couch.

Tricep dips:
easier- Do these with both your feet and hands on the ground, hands behind you, rather than your hands on a chair or table. Keep your knees bent so that your legs are bearing some of your weight.
harder- Elevate your legs. Your hands will be on a bench or chair and your feet will also be on something across from you, so that you are fully suspended. Example.

easier- Do the first jump and squat to get your hands on the ground as normal, then step your feet back into a plank position, and immediately step back up, then stand up to starting position. This adaptation skips the hopping your feet back to a plank as well as the push-up part of the burpee.
harder- Make sure to JUMP both feet back into plank position, then do two push-ups, and JUMP feet back to squat position before standing up. This ensures your legs are working the entire time through the exercise. Also, don't rest between them at all!

easier- Start by squatting onto a chair if you're new or not that confident in squatting. This allows you to get the feeling of sitting your butt back while keeping your chest up without feeling you are going to fall over backwards.
harder- Make sure you are squatting low enough so that your knees are at a 90 degree angle, then hold each squat for a 3-5 second count in the down position.

One-Legged Hip Lifts:
easier- Keep both feet on the ground rather than doing a one-legged hip lift, and focus on engaging abs, glutes, and hamstrings as your lift your hips.
harder: Grab a solid, heavier object near you (if you don't have a weight, that is), such as a textbook or even a tote bag filled with the crazy amount of heavy stuff you carry daily, and place it on your hips before doing the one-legged hip lifts.

Those five are ones I thought of, but I'm sure there are more exercises out there that aren't one-size-fits-all! Leave me any other exercises you'd like adapted easier or harder, I'd be happy to help! :)

That's all for today, kittens (my personal fave ridiculous nickname)! I do believe it is about time to share another {delicious} healthified recipe, I'll pick out a good one for my next post! Take advantage of this warm weather while it is here and play outside lots :) Whoever decided to stop jumping in piles of leaves once they hit a certain age is missing out big time ;)


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