Monday, January 7, 2013

Spicy Salmon & a Workout!

Good morning! Hope you had a wonderful weekend :) Minus the Vikings losing (sigh), mine was great!

I've been looooving this song, and wanted to share so any of you who haven't been enjoying it can start! Darius Rucker has such a cool voice, and the lyrics to this song are heartfelt and perfect. Let me know your thoughts!

I've got two things to share today; a delicious recipe and a workout! Though the workout is from your favorite personal trainer (I'm giving myself an unprecedented boost in every one's book, I know), yours truly, the recipe is not mine! I found it on the ever useful Pinterest and it is amazing. The blog is from a mom whose daughter has celiac disease, so she had to revamp all her recipes. She still has her old, with-gluten recipes to look at which is nice for those who can eat gluten! The blog has tons of recipes, I'm sure you'll get some good ideas out of it! Back to the recipe! You can make the recipe with a large piece of salmon, as she does, or scale it down to put on small 4 ounce fillets, I did the latter. :) The recipe is HERE, try it and see if you love it too!! I served it with brown rice and asparagus once, and another time with quinoa and sweet potatoes (the sweetness with the spicy blackened salmon was way good). Yum!

I've seen way too many infomercials on miracle workout+nutrition combos while running on the treadmill the last week (I know, the treadmill is boring and forces you to watch infomercials, but it was so cold I had to!), and it makes me wonder how many people waste their money on those types of products and others, trying to find a miracle way to drop weight or get ripped in 30 days. It is unrealistic and nothing ever works as well as eating right and exercising regularly! It isn't nearly as complicated as it is sometimes made out to be. Some may disagree, but when it comes to getting in shape, that's my philosophy. Now, off my soap box I go. ;) Here's a workout that hits each large muscle group and increases your heart rate; exactly what you want a workout to do!

Three's a Charm Workout
equipment: med ball or something with weight you can throw

30 high knees, arms overhead (MB optional)
20 speed skaters (curtsy lunge, jump to the other leg, then curtsy lunge again)
12 plie squats
15 hip-ups (example)
15 push ups
10 "steps" in a plank (walk opposite hand and foot forward for one step)
15 MB/pillow/whatever you're throwing slams
20 toe touches
20 donkey kicks
10 fire hydrants (each leg- example)
10 tuck jumps (get those knees high!)
30 second plank
15 tricep dips
12 squat to overhead press (holding MB, squat and touch it to the ground then stand and reach overhead)
30 second downward dog (example)

Do this once through then rest 2 minutes. Do it once more if you're feeling great!

That's all for today, I hope your Monday is fabulous! Drink an extra cup o' joe to guarantee it will be ;)


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