Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy 2014; Happy New Workout!!

Happy New Year! I also owe you a Merry Christmas, don't I? I hope your holidays were fabulous and this post finds you excited for the new year! My break from school has been wonderful thus far; I cruised with my in-laws, held a jaguar (FOR REALZ--pics to come!), and celebrated a late Christmas with my own family (complete with a GPS running watch--SO awesome and so runner-nerdy)! Needless to say, I feel blessed.

Now we're into the new year! Call me old school, but I really like making new year's resolutions. Am I alone in this? I'm not talking crazy, unrealistic resolutions that leave you feeling disappointed and hopeless (THIS is the year I finally become one of Beyonce's back-up dancers; THIS year I'm really winning that 172 million in the lottery, etc.), but the good ones that are really shorter-term goals disguised as new resolutions. If you've never made any new year's resolutions or you gave up on them 7+ years ago, I encourage you to try just one this year! It doesn't have to be hard or miserable or terribly time-consuming, just make it real. Most of us could probably use the continual resolution of drinking more water; hydration is NOT too lame to be a resolution! ;) Okay, okay, enough of my resolution speech. Moving on to the fun stuff!

NEW WORKOUTS! January seems optimal time to switch up your workout, so here's my contribution to that effort! This workout is high intensity, doesn't take too long (~25 minutes when I did the harder version), and allows you to customize however you wish. Plus you can do this at home; no need to fishtail your way to the gym through the snow or pull on 3 pairs of running tights! Grab a jump rope (see alternatives below) and your fave playlist/Pandora station and you're set!

8, 12, 16, 20 Workout

Exercise:                                                                              Reps:
 Burpees                                                                                                 8. 12. 16. 20.
Squat jumps                                                                                    
Military push-ups                                                                            
Lunge exchanges (regular lunges to make it easier)                            
Mountain climbers
Star jumps
Plank jacks                                                                                                                                                                 
                                              30 seconds jump rope

Directions: Choose any exercise and any reps from the lists above and complete that combo. Repeat 4 times, until you've "used up" all 4 rep counts. Jump rope for 30 seconds. That completes one round. Complete 4 rounds.

Make it harder: Jump rope for 30 seconds after each exercise+rep combo.

Make it easier: Change the reps to 4, 8, 12, 16.

No jump rope? Do the motion without the jump rope, or substitute running high knees or jumping jacks (which would be easier).

Let me know what you think! :) Cheers to January 2nd--I'm off to continue enjoying this break!! Peace & love.


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