Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Respect for Yoga Masters

Happy Wednesday! Let's be honest, when I set off the alarm system at work at 6:00 this morning, the day didn't feel so happy, but it has improved drastically since then! :)

Whether it is simply genetics, or too much running and not enough stretching (or option C: all of the above), I struggle with inflexibility on a daily basis. Since I'm kind of out of excuses for not working on improving my flexibility (not that I ever had any legitimate excuse...) I've decided I really should stretch and loosen up a little more! Enter scene: yoga. Now I took a yoga class in college, but the two-a-day track practices made downward dog literally impossible. Therefore, I'm trying it again, but only running and/or lifting once a day, rather than two! It is definitely still hard, and I'm still not able to comfortably sit cross-legged, but my muscles feel much better after doing it. I give mad props to you yoga studs out there who toss your leg behind your head like its nothing. You have my eternal respect.

Via Pinterest, aka holder of all fun recipes and ideas I couldn't ever imagine on my own, I found Tara Stile's yoga channel on Youtube, and I really like her stuff. She has sequences for all your different tight muscles and aches and pains, as well as sequences for athletes. I was really tight through my hips and hamstrings this morning so I did this pre-run, and felt way better!
 Check out the video to try it yourself:

My schedule is odd today, so I had to dash off to work just a bit after my run. But as always, I squeezed in time to eat something. :) One of my current fave breakfast items is toast and avocado. It is hardly a recipe, but if you are into avocados, try this! It is so delish plus avocados are great for you, and if you have it in addition to some oatmeal, you are cruising to a non-starving morning! I sometimes add an egg white on top to round it out with some protein if I've got a few extra minutes to cook one. :)

Toast with Avocado

1 piece whole wheat bread, toasted to your liking (I prefer it almost-burnt)
1/4 - 1/2 ripe (slightly squishy when squeezed) avocado, sliced thinly
a dash of salt and pepper
one cooked egg white (optional)

After toasting the bread, lay thin slices of avocado across the toast, completely covering it. Lightly salt and pepper the avocado, then add your egg white (if you chose to have it). Thoroughly enjoy with a delicious cup of coffee (or 3, or 4)!

We're out of coffee filters (I know, we're at Stage 4 Household Crisis), so I'm off to restock the coffee supplies so the world will keep turning. :) Hope your Wednesday is wonderful!!


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