Thursday, January 31, 2013

You vs. Time: Workout Edition

Hey guys! Happy Thursday afternoon, hope yours is going great :) If not, I totally feel ya and hope I can perk you up with this little afternoon workout boost! All you need is a watch/clock/phone that shows you seconds and you are SET! If you have access to a bike/treadmill/elliptical, add in the sprints I mention to really get some sweat going. If not, that's totes fine and you can do this at home sans any extra equipment!

30/15 Workout

Do each move (with good technique!) as many times as you can for 30 seconds, then rest 15 seconds before moving on.

high knees
forward lunges
side plank reach-under (watch here), switch sides halfway
push ups
tuck jumps
plank jacks (plank on your hands, jumping your feet apart then back together)
superman (watch here)
plie squats (wide-legged squats with toes pointing out)
triangle push ups (index fingers and thumbs form a triangle--these are hard, its okay to drop to knees if needed)
Glute kickbacks (see here), squeeze your buns! 30 seconds each leg
jumping jacks
plank-knee to opposite elbow (watch here, just bring knee to opposite elbow, they go to the same one), switch legs halfway!

SPRINT: 1 minute all-out on the bike/elliptical or treadmill, then really easy/walk 20 seconds. Repeat twice more.

Rest 2 minutes. Repeat entire circuit 1-2 more times.

There you have it, go build some muscles! Speaking of muscles...throwback Thursday, anyone? This girl on the left has some of the best guns I've ever seen! All thanks to some great genetics and a whole lot of 6 am lifting sessions ;)

I must dash, good luck on the workout! Blast a little Rihanna while you're at it, it'll make the whole thing even better :) Later, alligators!


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