Monday, February 18, 2013

Get Moving, Indoors or Out!

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend :) I got to run a race with my hubby and my parents! It was the first race either of my parents had ever ran in, and it was so much fun!
post-race pictures with the newbie runners!

 A toast to all of you who are running races for the first time this spring :) I also got this new mug on SALE at Starbucks, much to my delight!! I love it!!

And just this morning I finally let Rory out onto our balcony after listening to him whine (meow) at the birds for far too long. We're on the third floor, so I'm assuming Rory is at least smart enough not to make the 30 foot leap and leave me as the worst ex-cat owner in the world. Since its 32 degrees out, he's just been hanging out there, taking it all in ;)

So! I was thinking about the weather and how much it affects people working out; it makes all the difference! It hit 50 degrees here one day last week, and I saw a gazillion people running that I hadn't seen two days before when the high was only 29! Regardless of the weather, it is important to get a good workout in. Alas, I have a solution! A workout for when you brave the outdoors, and one for when you hit the gym to dodge the snow and win :)

Workout A: Get some vitamin D!

walk fast/jog 5 minutes

do 15 push ups, 15 walking lunges each leg, and 15 tuck jumps

sprint for 1 block

do 10 squat jumps, 10 triangle push ups, and 10 jackknives

100 jumping jacks then jog 1 block

do 5 burpees, 5 lunge exchanges (start in a lunge, jump up and switch legs), and 5 planks x15 seconds each

Repeat the entire thing backwards, starting with the sets of 5, to end up back at your starting place after the 5 minute walk/jog!

Workout B: Hit the gym!

Run/bike/elliptical 5 minutes

15 lunges each leg holding weights
15 tricep dips off a bench
15 leg raises + hip lifts on the bench

1 minute bike sprint or 30 second running sprint

12 plie squats, holding one dumbbell with both hands
10 bicep curl + shoulder press with dumbbells
15 band pull aparts (demonstration)

100 jumping jacks OR 100 mountain climbers

1 minute plank while bringing one knee to opposite elbow and switching after 30 seconds
20 push ups (go off the bench if you can't do them on the floor)
12 squat jumps

Repeat backwards!

I hope you like the workouts, let me know if you have any questions or comments! Have an awesome Monday, and don't forget to squeeze in a workout to start your week off right! :)


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