FIRST; have I mentioned I'm obsessed with this song? If I have; I apologize for my terrible short-term memory. If I haven't, I apologize for not sharing it yet. ;) Even if you have no idea who Darius Rucker is or feel you loathe country, it is worth a few seconds of listening! Blame me if you don't like it. ;)
SECOND; I found this interesting article on Runner's World on a recent study on the Paleo Diet. If you haven't heard of it, just Google the Paleo Diet for a quick summary. Everyone has a different opinion on it, and I'm not going to tell you what to think about it. I do like reading real results from studies on diets and such and this article has just that. I found it interesting, maybe you will too! Or maybe you could care less. In that case, just roll your eyes and continue reading this. :-D
THIRD; I saw a pin on Pinterest about doing exercises during commercial breaks and immediately began making up a workout of my own for commercials! This should be doable regardless of whether the commercial break is only one minute long (SO rare) or drags on for five minutes (way more likely). This will pass the time while you wait for HIMYM to come back on.
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Another plus, you need zilch to do this! That means no excuses to those college students with minimal furniture; no judgment, we've all been there. :)
Commercial Cardio (and more)
First break:
10 burpees-skip the jump at the top if your apartment is on the 2nd floor or higher
20 squats
40 mountain climbers
20 fire hydrants (each leg)
plank-hold until the commercial break is over!
Second break:
20 tricep dips
15 supermans
10 forward lunges (each leg)
10 forearm plank to hand plank and back
hold a squat with arms overhead until the break is over!
Third break:
15 push ups
15 curtsy lunges (each leg)
10 knee to nose (in plank) each leg
5 burpees
20 russian twists (each way; try to lift your feet off the ground but keep your back straight)
mountain climbers until the break is over!
Fourth break:
15 single leg hip bridges (each leg)
20 jackknives
20 second side plank each way
15 side lunges (each leg)
25 jumping jacks
hold a wall sit until the break is over!
*if you're watching something with more than 4 commercial breaks, start over at the top!
My work here is done. ;) I'm off to run, have a wonderful Friday afternoon & night!
P.S. Don't you just love the & sign?! Me too.
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